Have Questions? Call today!  1-844-636-4250

Have Questions? Call today!  1-844-636-4250

Making in-home care accessible.

As a valued AMAC member, CareLinx wants to connect you with pre-screened, professional caregivers you can trust - all at affordable rates. CareLinx is a nationwide community of over 500,000 pre-screened, professional caregivers you can trust.  Your caregiver can help provide you with in-home assistance like medication reminders, making meals, light housekeeping, and even transportation around your community.

Receive 4 hours of in-home care at no cost after the first 10 hours of paid services.

Find the right caregiver match for your loved one

We want to help you continue to live an enjoyable, independent lifestyle in your own home.

Find care for you or your loved one, whether it's for a few hours or every day.

Custom match

Connect with high-quality caregivers to find the custom match for your needs.


All professional caregivers are screened and have background checks.

In-home support

Caregivers can assist you with transportation, companionship, meal preparation, grocery shopping, and more!

Caregiving made easier

Smart Technology

Stay in the loop with notes and updates on daily activities and check-ins.

Easy-to-use tools

We make scheduling, time tracking, care coordination, and payroll seamless.

24/7 support

Try our 24/7 Concierge Help Line or contact a Care Advisor for answers to your questions.

Frequently asked questions

How does CareLinx work?

CareLinx helps match you or your family with a caregiver (a non-medical care provider) for private hire to care for you or for a loved one. CareLinx assists families in the hiring process and the administrative work that agencies typically do.

What types of home care services does a caregiver normally provide?

Caregivers can provide personalized care to help with routine daily activities like meal preparation, grocery shopping or errands, bathing, exercise, and transportation. Caregivers can also offer companionship and emotional support.

What is the special offer for eligible AMAC members?

AMAC members new to CareLinx are eligible for 4 hours of service at no cost after the first 10 hours of service.

How much does it cost to hire a caregiver through CareLinx?

On average depending on the area, caregivers charge $12-20/hour for their services based on their experience and background. Families can review profiles and rates to find the caregiver that is the best match for their needs.

What makes hiring a caregiver through CareLinx different?

Using CareLinx to hire a caregiver for yourself has many benefits, including:

  • More than 500,000 caregivers to help you find the right caregiver near you based on your needs and budget
  • $5 million in liability and bonding insurance
  • Screening and background checks are done on all caregivers via CareLinx
  • From searching caregiver profiles to hiring, your dedicated CareLinx Care Advisor will provide personalized support every step of the way
  • Real-time updates and messaging via our digital Care Plan
  • Secure payment with any major credit or debit card

How do I get started?

Getting started is simple! Just enter the zip code of your loved one at the top of the page to start.

How do I find a caregiver once I sign up?

The hiring process is simple, and your dedicated Care Advisor is there to help you at every step along the way.

  • Post a Job: Answer a few questions to tell us about your care needs
  • Interview: You’ll be able to interview caregivers you are interested in and find the right one for you
  • Hire a Caregiver: Once you have found a caregiver that fits your needs and the caregiver has agreed to assist, you can hire the caregiver with a click of a button and complete tax enrollment paperwork (if applicable)