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Person Centered Care: Making In-Home Support Services Accessible

The Legacy Health Endowment has partnered with CareLinx, Community Care Choices, Community Health Centers of America and TinRx to provide residents of Merced and Stanislaus counties with access to in-home, medical, non-medical care and other support services.

What is the Person Centered Care program?

The Person Centered Care program is a pilot program funded by the Legacy Health Endowment to provide an added layer of support for families in Merced and Stanislaus counties who are caring for aging or chronically ill individuals in their homes. The program is intended to support families who are providing this important care to increase their access to medical and non-medical resources and services in the community.

Who is it for?

To be eligible for the Person Centered Care program, the care recipient must be a resident of Merced or Southern Stanislaus counties (see the 19 zip codes eligible for this program), over the age of 55 or enrolled in Medicare for a disabling health condition (if under the age of 55). This program is intended to support families caring for individuals with one or more chronic health conditions who require regular assistance with daily activities (such as bathing, dressing, or mobility).  

Program benefits, all at no cost to you

  • Receive at least 16 hours of in-home care per month

  • Access to durable medical equipment

  • Physician telehealth

  • In home nurse and social worker visits

  • Mental health services for patients and caregivers

  • Advance care planning services

  • Home modifications for fall prevention

  • Support for prescription medications 

Consultation Request

Making in-home
care accessible

UnitedHealthcare has partnered with CareLinx to provide you with this exclusive non-medical, in-home care benefit. CareLinx is a nationwide community of over 400,000 pre-screened professional caregivers you can trust. Your caregiver can help provide you with in-home assistance like medication reminders, making meals, light housekeeping, and even transportation around your community.

We want to help you and your loved one continue to live an enjoyable, independent lifestyle at home. 

You’ll receive at least 16 hours per month of in-home care at no cost. CareLinx is a nationwide community of over 500,000 pre-screened professional caregivers you can trust. Your caregiver can help provide you with in-home assistance like medication reminders, making meals, light housekeeping, and even transportation around your community.

Custom match

Connect with high quality caregivers in your area to find the custom match for your needs


All professional caregivers are screened and have background checks 

In-home support

Caregivers can assist you with transportation, companionship, meal preparation, grocery shopping and more!

Caregiving made easier

Smart Technology

Stay in the loop with notes and updates on daily activities and check-ins.

Easy-to-use tools

We make scheduling, time tracking, and care coordination seamless.

24/7 support

Try our 24/7 Concierge Help Line or contact a Care Advisor for answers to your questions.

Frequently asked questions

How does CareLinx work?

CareLinx helps connect families with professional, non-medical caregivers in their area. Families can access CareLinx services through the Person Centered Care program by calling a dedicated toll-free number to be connected with a CareLinx Care Advisor who can assist by phone, or by entering their contact information in the Consultation Request form on this page.  

What types of home care services do caregivers normally provide?

Caregivers can assist with a range of activities of daily living and non-medical support -- mobility, bathing, grooming, exercise, transportation, meal preparation, companionship, and more. Caregivers can also provide limited assistance with program participants’ medications by providing reminders and/or taking the member to pick up medications.  However, caregivers are not authorized to administer or dispense medication. 

How do I contact CareLinx to get started?

You can enroll in the Person Centered Care program by calling CareLinx at 1 (855) 387-4360  and speaking with one of the program’s dedicated Care Advisors, or you can leave your contact information in the Consultation Request form on this page, and one of our Care Advisors will contact you to get started.

When will the program be available?

This program will be available beginning September 6, 2022.

Can I contact CareLinx to learn more about the program before it becomes available?

Yes, CareLinx Care Advisors will be available starting August 29, 2022 to answer questions and provide additional information to individuals and families who are interested in enrolling in the program.

Does CareLinx provide customer support for individuals who enroll in the program?

Program participants will have access to a dedicated CareLinx Care Advisor who can assist them throughout the entire matching process with local caregivers. Care Advisors are also available during program hours to answer any CareLinx-related questions, help with coordination and scheduling of the in-home support services, and address any other issues that may arise. Care Advisors will be the participant’s point of contact in the program, working to support families by helping to address any changes in care needs or questions.

Are CareLinx caregivers licensed, and how are they screened?  

CareLinx caregivers come from a wide range of professionals, including retired RNs. Some caregivers will have a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) or Home Health Aide (HHA) certification, but it is not required to be a caregiver. CareLinx does extensive background screening and offers continuing education for its caregivers to ensure the best quality of care. Our Care Advisors will work with program participants to match them with a caregiver who has the experience that meets their individual needs. 

How soon after enrollment will the in-home support services start?  

Once participants in the program start the enrollment process, CareLinx Care Advisors will identify the needs of the care recipient and start the caregiver placement process.  Depending on when the participant chooses to start care, this process can take between 5-10 days from the time of enrollment to a caregiver being deployed to the participant’s home.  

What other services are available through the Person Centered Care program?

As part of the delivery of in-home care support services, participants in the Person Centered Care program will undergo a comprehensive needs assessment to identify any additional resources or services in the community that could benefit the care recipient and their family caregivers. Through our partners, including the Legacy Health Endowment, Community Care Choices, Community Health Centers of America and TinRx, the program will facilitate referrals to additional community-based resources- such as assistance with prescription drug coverage, access to primary care and mental health support services, and assistance with everyday needs such as food, housing and transportation.  

Are there accommodations for participants in the program who do not speak English?  

Yes, CareLinx can directly accommodate any Spanish-speaking clients currently. Care Advisors also have access to a translation service via phone with representatives who can translate for most languages. 

What are the Person Centered Care program’s Hours of Operation?  

Care Advisors will be available from Monday - Friday, 8AM to 6PM PST. If inquiries are made outside of these business hours, a CareLinx Care Advisor will contact you at the earliest possible time during business hours.   

Which zip codes are covered?

The following zip codes are covered by the program: 95301, 95303, 95307, 95313, 95315, 95316, 95322, 95324, 95326, 95328, 95334, 95358, 95360, 95363, 95374, 95380, 95381, 95382, 95388.