Cartoon man with hearing loss

One out of three seniors have hearing loss Hearing loss is the third most common physical condition after arthritis and heart disease. At age 65, one out of three people has hearing loss. In adults, there’s a strong relationship between age and hearing loss. In age-related hearing loss (presbycusis), changes in the inner ear cause slow but steady hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is permanent. Because nobody can see hearing loss, you might think your older adult’s behavior is caused by disinterest, confusion, or personality changes. Sometimes the hearing loss itself can be confused with signs of dementia. Majority of seniors don’t ask for hearing help Only 20% of people who could benefit from hearing treatment actually seek help. Most put it off until they can’t communicate even in the best listening situations. The average hearing aid user waits over 10 years after their initial diagnosis to get their first set of hearing aids. Hearing loss linked to serious conditions Something as simple as a hearing aid could have a huge influence on healthy brain function. Multiple studies have found links between hearing loss, cognitive decline, and dementia. Over six years, cognitive abilities (like memory and concentration) of people with hearing loss declined 30 - 40% faster than in people with normal hearing. Hearing loss is also linked to increased stress, depression, bad moods, and increased hospitalization and fall risks. That means untreated hearing loss is a much bigger problem than having the TV on too loud or shouting during normal conversation. Why hearing loss affects your brain There are three main theories for why hearing loss might increase the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

  1. Cognitive load If the brain is constantly coping with sounds that are difficult to hear, it’s busy processing those sounds and can’t spend energy on things like memory and thinking.
  1. Brain atrophy Hearing impairment could contribute to faster rates of wasting away in parts of the brain that process sound. Those parts of the brain also help with memory and senses. They’ve also been shown to be involved in early stages of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.
  1. Social isolation People who have a hard time hearing often withdraw from social activities because it's so hard to communicate with other people. Many studies have found that decreased social engagement and loneliness are risk factors for cognitive decline.

Bottom line Pay attention to your senior’s hearing and get them checked by a doctor or audiologist if they show signs of hearing loss. Getting proper treatment ASAP will help keep them as healthy and independent as possible. Good hearing is a big factor in keeping the brain healthy and maintaining good quality of life.

Photo of Connie Chow, founder of DailyCaring

By Connie Chow, Contributing Writer and Founder of Sources: Hearing Loss Association of America, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago Tribune Image: Gulf Coast Audiology

June 15, 2016
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