Have questions? Call today: 1 1-800-494-3106

Welcome, Trinity Health At Home-referred client.

Get the care you want, right when you need it.

As Trinity Health At Home's affiliated private-duty services organization, we support this community with people-centered care. We connect families with the best caregiver for their needs – easily and affordably.

As Trinity Health At Home's affiliated private-duty services organization, we support this community with people-centered care. We connect families with the best caregiver for their needs – easily and affordably.

Find the right caregiver match for your loved one

My mother
Enter her zip code

We want to make in-home care accessible for all.

Find care for you or your loved one, whether it's for a few hours or every day.
Save up to 25% compared to
traditional in-home care agencies.
Custom match
Connect and find high-quality
caregivers, custom-matched for your needs.
All professional caregivers are screened
and have background checks.

Caregiving made easier.

Smart technology
Stay in the loop with notes and updates on daily activities and check-ins.
Easy-to-use tools
We make scheduling, time tracking, care coordination, and payroll seamless.
Support 7 days a week
Call our Concierge Help Line and speak with a Care Advisor for answers to your questions.

Frequently asked questions

How does CareLinx work?

CareLinx helps match families with a caregiver (a non-medical care provider) for private hire to care for themselves or for a loved one. CareLinx assists families in the hiring process and the administrative work that agencies typically do.

What types of home care services does a caregiver normally provide?

Caregivers provide personalized care to help with routine daily activities including meal preparation, grocery shopping or errands, bathing, exercise, and transportation. Caregivers can also offer companionship and emotional support.

How much does it cost to hire a caregiver through CareLinx?
The total cost of hiring a caregiver through CareLinx is based on a few factors:
  • The individual caregiver's hourly rate.
  • CareLinx service fee (20%) which includes program administration, insurance coverage, and support seven days a week.
  • Any applicable employment taxes, such as Social Security, Medicare, and state or local employment taxes where applicable. Tax management services are inclusive of the service fee.
What makes hiring a caregiver through CareLinx different?
Using CareLinx to hire a caregiver for yourself or your loved one has many benefits, including:
  • More than 500,000 caregivers to help you find the right caregiver near you, on a budget most can afford.
  • We screen and background-check caregivers before hire.
  • Personalized support every step of the way, from searching to hiring, with your dedicated CareLinx Care Advisor.
  • Real-time updates and messaging via our digital Care Plan let you see what's happening at home.
  • Secure payment with any major credit or debit card.
How do I get started?

Click the "Get Started" Button to begin filling out information to help us understand the care needs.

How do I find a caregiver once I sign up?
The hiring process is simple, and your dedicated Care Advisor is there to help you at every step along the way.
  • Post a Job: Answer a few questions to tell us about your care needs.
  • Interview: You'll be able to interview caregivers you are interested in and find the right one for your family.
  • Hire a Caregiver: Once you have found a caregiver that fits your family's needs, you can hire the caregiver with a click of a button and complete tax enrollment paperwork (if applicable).