Questions? Call CareLinx today! 1-855-444-8047

Have Questions? Call CareLinx today!  1-855-444-8047

Carelinx is proud to sponsor respite care for the AARP Care to Laugh: A Night of Comedy featuring Jesus Trejo

Family caregivers who will attend the event and reside in Nevada can enjoy 3 hours of non-medical in home care at no cost. Carelinx wants to help provide a needed break for you to have some self-care by connecting you with pre-screened professional caregivers that you can trust to take care of your loved ones.

3 free hours of in-home care at no cost

Find the right caregiver match for your loved one

We want to make in-home care accessible for all

Find care for you or your loved one, whether it's for a few hours or every day.


Save up to 30% compared to traditional in-home care agencies if you choose to pay for additional hours.

Custom match

Connect with high-quality caregivers to find the custom match for your needs.


All professional caregivers are screened and have background checks.

What families are saying about CareLinx

Don O., Bellevue, WA

"When my wife's caregiver resigned unexpectedly, we were at a loss as to where to turn. CareLinx was a godsend and helped us find the perfect full-time caregiver."

Barbara D., Azusa, CA

"We turned to CareLinx after disappointing experiences with a local agency. With our CareLinx caregiver, I know Mom is in good hands and I don't need to worry — finally!"

Caregiving made easier

Smart Technology

Stay in the loop with notes and updates on daily activities and check-ins.

Easy-to-use tools

CareLinx makes scheduling, time tracking, and care coordination seamless.

Dedicated advisor

Contact a CareLinx Advisor 7 days a week for answers to your questions

Top quality caregivers

Nurat Smith

4 Reviews


Ivett Gutierrez

9 Reviews


Datisha Graves

3 Reviews


Frequently asked questions

How does CareLinx work?

CareLinx helps match you or your family with a caregiver (a non-medical care provider) for private hire to care for you or for a loved one. CareLinx assists families in the hiring process and the administrative work that agencies typically do.

To learn more, download “AARP Member Experience Guide to CareLinx" here.

What types of home care services does a caregiver normally provide?

Caregivers can provide personalized care to help with routine daily activities like meal preparation, grocery shopping or errands, bathing, exercise, and transportation. Caregivers can also offer companionship and emotional support.

What is the special offer for the Care to Laugh initiative?

Participants will recieve 3 hours of non-medical, in-home care to be used for a loved one who the participant usually cares for at home.

How much does it cost to hire a caregiver through CareLinx if I decide to purchase more hours?

On average depending on the area, caregivers charge approximately $15/hour for their services based on their experience and background. Families can review profiles and rates to find the caregiver that is the best match for their needs

What makes hiring a caregiver through CareLinx different?

Using CareLinx to hire a caregiver for yourself has many benefits, including:

  • More than 450,000 caregivers to help you find the right caregiver near you based on your needs and budget
  • Screening and background checks are done on all caregivers via CareLinx
  • Personalized support every step of the way, from searching to hiring, with your dedicated CareLinx Care Advisor
  • Real-time updates and messaging via our digital Care Plan
  • Secure payment with any major credit or debit card

How do I get started?

Getting started is simple! Just enter the zip code of your loved one at the top of the page to start.

What if our family would like to use the same caregiver again?

Our Care Advisors can help you schedule additional caregiving hours. AARP members new to CareLinx save 3% on CareLinx services.

How do I find a caregiver once I sign up?

The hiring process is simple, and your dedicated Care Advisor is there to help you at every step along the way.

  • Post a Job: Answer a few questions to tell us about your care needs
  • Interview: You’ll be able to interview caregivers you are interested in and find the right one for you
  • Hire a Caregiver: Once you have found a caregiver that fits your needs, you can hire the caregiver with a click of a button and complete tax enrollment paperwork (if applicable)

What if I don’t need a caregiver for the event but would like caregiving support another time?

The 3 hours of in-home care at no cost is only for the night of the event, but with an AARP membership, you’re eligible for discounted access to CareLinx by Sharecare. AARP members new to CareLinx save 3% on CareLinx services. Our dedicated team of Care Advisors can assist you with the process. Get started today by 1-855-444-8047.