Giving care to you and your loved ones.

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Trusted in-home care solutions
CareLinx is your trusted in-home care solution—you can find or become a caregiver with us. We help families connect with quality care professionals for both non-medical and clinical support needs and also work with health plans, employers, and government programs.
Care for everyday needs
CareLinx has a unique solution set tailored to help reach your goals and deliver positive outcomes.
Companion and home helper
- Companionship
- Meal prep
- Shopping
- Transportation
- Laundry
- Light housekeeping
Personal care and professional caregiver
- Bathing
- Dressing and grooming
- Medication reminders
- Toileting
- Mobility
- Respite

Clinical support
- Diagnosis capture
- Telehealth
- In-home assessment
- Care gap closure
- RPM Enablement
The right solution mix for your needs
CareLinx has a unique solution set tailored to help reach your goals and deliver positive outcomes.
Safety, security, and peace of mind
Our online platform allows members unprecedented access with real-time updates and visibility on care delivered. Our dedicated care advisors curate the highest quality in-home providers.
Sharecare Verified
Trust is at the core of everything we do. Our care professionals undergo comprehensive background checks, multistep behavioral interviews, and customized training.

We are committed to serving Veterans and military families. CareLinx offers programs for veterans in partnership with various organizations, providing both employment opportunities and support.
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AARP members
CareLinx offers AARP members an exclusive discount to help connect you with pre-screened, professional caregivers that you can trust—all at an affordable rate.
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