In-home care for health systems
Improve patient care and outcomes, lowering the total cost of care.
Patient-centered, cost-effective care
Improve population health, clinical outcomes, and patient experience all while reducing total cost of care. CareLinx by Sharecare helps healthcare providers support patients who are
In-home services supporting the entire care continuum
Companionship, home helper, and personal care services
Professional non-medical caregivers provide in-home, non-medical, and personal care services as part of programs that support patient experience and engagement to facilitate care gap closure.
Clinical care support services
Licensed healthcare professionals and professional caregivers deliver non-medical care, clinical care, and assessments as part of a larger outcome-based clinical encounter. Clinical support programs targeted quality and care management initiatives to improve the total cost of care.
Customized in-home care programs
From longitudinal support for Medicare Advantage members to targeted support for managed care and commercial members, our in-home care programs can be tailored as a:

Transition of care programs
Advance care management & quality programs
Care gap closure & in-home assessments

Healthcare professional staffing
Proven outcomes drive quality, value, and performance

Reducing readmissions with in-home care
reduction in 30-day readmissions, Medicare participants
Net Promoter Score (NPS) (>50 considered excellent)

Targeted care gap closure
increase in Primary Care Physician (PCP) engagement and capture rate
increase in Annual Wellness Visits (AWV)

Published outcomes and combating social isolation and loneliness
decrease in social isolation using the Lubben Social Network scales
decreased in loneliness using the UCLA Loneliness Scale
A tech-enabled nationwide provider network
CareLinx professionals are rigorously vetted and verified professionals from across the healthcare industry.
Our rigorous screening process ensures that members have access to skilled and trusted professionals. The screening process includes comprehensive background checks, multi-step behavioral interviews, and customizable training requirements.
Technology integration to maximize clinical teams
As a technology platform, CareLinx by Sharecare provides unparalleled support by offering visibility and insights into the care delivered at home. From tech-enabled integrations with electronic medical records systems (EMRs) to clinical teams logging into our population health dashboard, you can review in real-time in-home assessments, care plans, and automated alerts. CareLinx clinical managers can also help monitor and seamlessly coordinate care. Our data and systems are HIPAA compliant and HITRUST and SOC 2 certified.
Contact Sharecare to learn more.