A Gentle Touch LLC
- Public Administration
- New York, NY
1 former employees on CareLinx
Crystal G.
Las Vegas
Alzheimer's Disease
Blood Disorders
Cancer Recovery
Cardiovascular Disorders
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Hearing Disorders
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Elder Care
Home Care
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© 2025 CareLinx Inc.
CareLinx does not employ or recommend any care provider or care seeker nor is it responsible for the conduct of any care provider or care seeker. The CareLinx website is a venue that provides tools to help care seekers and care providers connect online. Each individual is solely responsible for selecting a care provider or care seeker for themselves or their families and for complying with all laws in connection with any employment relationship they establish.
CareLinx does not employ or recommend any care provider or care seeker nor is it responsible for the conduct of any care provider or care seeker. The CareLinx website is a venue that provides tools to help care seekers and care providers connect online. Each individual is solely responsible for selecting a care provider or care seeker for themselves or their families and for complying with all laws in connection with any employment relationship they establish.