Solutions for senior living and post-acute care facilities

Fill gaps in care, satisfy customers, and increase revenue.

Get in Touch

Add home care to your suite of attractive services

Fill gaps in care, improve resident satisfaction, and better compete in the industry with CareLinx as your home care provider. Customers prefer CareLinx care over others’ care by a factor of 10 to 1. You’re in good hands.

Fill gaps in care

Improve health outcomes and reduce medical costs by promoting self-management.

Improve satisfaction

Empower residents to thrive in your facility with the highest quality caregivers.

Increase your value

Better compete with other providers by adding CareLinx to your residents’ benefits.

Care for everyday needs

CareLinx caregivers offer a vast range of activities of daily living as and when your residents / patients need them, including:








Med reminders



Interventions and care management opportunities

Manage population health with data from inside the home, provided by CareLinx caregivers. Review data from in-home assessments, care plans, and automated alerts. Intervene in-home when health metrics demonstrate risk. Assign tasks to CareLinx caregivers or seamlessly coordinate care with the stakeholders and providers of your choice. Our data and systems are HIPAA compliant and HITRUST and SOC 2 certified.

Get paid for referrals

Help your residents and get revenue share by referring them to CareLinx.

Potential residents

Leads who are not yet ready for your facility may discover that home care is a better fit for their needs.

Existing residents

Provide assistance with residents/patients at your facility who need IADL or ADL support.

Departing residents / post-acute patients

May have short-term needs that need to be addressed, or have better health outcomes with home care at their new location.

Why partner with CareLinx

CareLinx is not a traditional brick-and-mortar home-care agency, but a nationwide online network of over 450,000+ non-medical caregivers dedicated to innovating better care for all. Partnering with us to improve senior health provides several distinct advantages.

Preferred, high quality care

CareLinx’s average net promoter score (NPS) is 90+. The home-care industry’s NPS is 6. Unprecedented access and choice in quality caregivers, modern technology solutions and exceptional customer service helps explain why customers prefer CareLinx care over others’ care 10 to 1.

Affordable and accessible care

As a digital caregiver network, CareLinx has few overhead costs and no markups on caregiver pay. We deliver the best prices the marketplace has to offer, with savings of up to 50% when compared to traditional brick-and-mortar agencies.

Improved quality of life

CareLinx improves quality of life for customers and caregivers. Customers get higher-quality care at lower prices; caregivers get to choose their own clients, wages, schedules and service areas. Everyone benefits.

Peace of mind

Individuals, families and clients are in good hands with full background checks on all caregivers, in-home intervention opportunities with technology, and motivated staff who truly care.

Caregiver network

Easily scale or expand into desired geographies with our tech-and data-enabled workforce.

Want to know more? Let's talk.

To learn more or schedule an introductory meeting, contact us today at

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