Social determinants of health (SDOH) solutions

Improve senior health outcomes and quality of life.

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SDOH solutions

SDOH solutions for seniors include addressing food security and nutrition, social isolation and mental health, transportation, access to health care, access to community SDOH supports, and more. Let our expert caregivers get you started with the right SDOH solutions for you.

In-home assessments


Healthy food access

Meal preparation


Activities of daily living

Address SDOH factors, impact up to 75% of senior health - Social Determinants of Health Provider - CareLinx

Address SDOH factors, impact up to 75% of senior health

Improve senior health outcomes and lower healthcare costs by addressing seniors’ SDOH factors. With more than 75 percent of senior health determined by factors outside the medical system, the home is an important place to implement for change.

Interventions and care management opportunities

Optimize senior health with real-time data from inside the home. Review in-home assessments, care plans, and automated alerts. Intervene in-home when health metrics demonstrate risk. Assign SDOH tasks to CareLinx caregivers or seamlessly coordinate care with the stakeholders and providers of your choice. Our data and systems are HIPAA compliant and HITRUST and SOC 2 certified.

Interventions and care management opportunities - Social Determinants of Health Provider - CareLinx

Why partner with CareLinx

CareLinx is a trusted nationwide home care platform with over 450,000+ professional caregivers that help improve health outcomes while reducing cost of care. Our innovative approach amplifies the effectiveness of clinical teams by using tech-enabled caregivers who serve as their eyes, ears, and arms in the homes of patients and members.

Preferred, high-quality care - Social Determinants of Health Provider - CareLinx

Preferred, high-quality care

CareLinx's average net promoter score (NPS) is World Class at 90+, more than 10x greater than the home care industry. Unprecedented access and choice in quality caregivers, modern technology solutions and exceptional customer service help explain why customers prefer CareLinx care over others’ care.

Affordable and accessible care

As a digital caregiver network, CareLinx has few overhead costs and no markups on caregiver pay. We deliver the best prices the marketplace has to offer, with savings of up to 20-30% when compared to traditional brick-and-mortar agencies.

Affordable and accessible care - Social Determinants of Health Provider - CareLinx
Improved quality of life  - Social Determinants of Health Provider - CareLinx

Improved quality of life

CareLinx improves quality of life for members and caregivers. Members get higher-quality care at lower prices; caregivers get to choose their own clients, wages, schedules, and service areas. Everyone benefits.

Peace of mind

Members and their families are in good hands with full background checks on all caregivers, in-home intervention opportunities with technology, and motivated staff who truly care.

Peace of mind - Social Determinants of Health Provider - CareLinx

Want to know more? Let's talk.

To learn more or schedule an introductory meeting, contact us today at

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