Medicare at home
for Medicare Advantage plans

CareLinx is an in-home care provider that partners with MA plans to provide members with non-medical home care through:Supplemental Benefit, Chronic Disease Management, VAIS, and Transition CareCareLinx is the first and only national caregiver network equipped with the proven experience and scalability necessary for operationalizing these services for large health plans.

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In-home care now covered under supplemental benefit expansion

As a part of these changes, CMS is redefining health-related supplemental benefits to include services that increase health and improve quality of life, including coverage of non-skilled in-home supports.

-Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Previously, CMS has not allowed an item or service to be eligible as a supplemental benefit if the primary purpose includes daily maintenance. Now the benefit can be used…

“to compensate for physical impairments…or reduce avoidable emergency and healthcare utilization.”

CareLinx health impact analysis

As the American population ages, the demand for in-home care is exploding — a major catalyst for advancements in healthcare.

11 million

Older Americans received help with activities of daily living (ADLs)(1)

5.3 million

Older adults will need non-medical home care by 2040(2)

$41.3 billion

Annual cost for patients readmitted within 30 days of discharge(4)

3 in 4

Seniors live with multiple chronic conditions(1)

17 billion

Annual Medicare spend on avoidable hospital readmissions after discharge(3)

$45 billion

Annual waste on poor care transition management(5)

The future of healthcare is in the home

CareLinx works with health plans to incorporate non-skilled in-home care under supplemental benefits.

CareLinx services also extend the reach of health plans to provide actionable insights and reduce costs and plan utilization for high risk members.

Offer a service your members truly love

Our unique program empowers people to thrive at home. Careful matching ensures a strong relationship between caregivers and members.

Reduce costs and utilization

Our nationwide network of caregivers are employed directly by members, which means higher-quality care at a lower price. With superior care in the home when it’s most needed, utilizations and readmissions go down.

Expand control and visibility

Our app allows caregivers to report on your member’s progress in real-time, providing you insights you can use to identify potential problems and intervene before conditions deteriorate.

Simple implementation

Our turnkey implementation allows for rapid deployment.

Including home care in MA plans gets clear and measurable results

It’s not just members who will benefit. By incorporating home care into Medicare Advantage plans, the country’s largest health payers will also see:

Improved health outcomes

Enhanced member satisfaction, assistance with closing gaps in care, promotion of self-management

Reduced medical costs

Reliable home support post-discharge, reduced emergency room and hospital readmissions for high-risk members, shortened post-acute skilled services, reduced total cost of care through scalable in-home care management

Enhanced Quality Performance

Enhanced support and member experience impacts STARs/CAHPS bonus potential and may lead to membership growth over time

Reputation Value

Positive Medicare experiences for members and family caregivers leads to better retention and promotion of the health plan across communities

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Why members love CareLinx home care

Personalized caregiver matches

Dedicated advisor services

Highest quality, professional caregivers

The member journey


A member is discharged from the hospital after an acute episode.


The care management team identifies and refers members who need ADL/IADL support at home to CareLinx.


A dedicated CareLinx Care Advisor calls the member and guides them through the matching process.


The member reviews, interviews, and hires the perfect caregiver for the job.


Through the CareLinx built-in care plan and electronic visit verification, the caregiver delivers superior care and captures real-time health data for the members’ clinical team.


The CareLinx caregiver provides visibility into health issues before health declines, enabling prevention and intervention opportunities in real time.

The CareLinx difference

Highest quality, background checked, Medicare compliant

Electronic Visit Verification via GPS

HITRUST certified and HIPAA compliant

Dedicated advisors coordinate home care

Population health dashboard

Flexible data integration

Why CareLinx?

Quality: Highest industry NPS

Experienced: Proven success implementing VAIS with providers and plans nationwide

Nationwide: Single vendor contracting

Turnkey: Efficient deployment

  1. Research based on the National Health and Aging Trends Study

  2. 2004/2005 National Long Term Care Survey

  3. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

  4. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  5. Health Affairs