We’re excited to announce that CareLinx is now offering AARP members in-home care services as part of their Member Benefits program. AARP members can now save on high-quality, personalized in-home care services from vetted and certified caregivers nationwide. In-home care helps loved ones live independently for as long as possible.

Due to declining physical or mental health, a senior loved one may lose the ability to manage their activities of daily living (ADLs), such as grooming, bathing, toileting, or meal preparation. In-home care providers assist with such activities, enabling loved ones to age in place in the comfort and safety of their home. With this new offering, all 40 million AARP members across the nation can enjoy affordable and quality home care as part of their exclusive Member Benefits.  

“It is a daunting task for families to find companion in-home care that is a good fit for their loved one’s situation. AARP’s mission is to empower people to choose how they live as they age, which for some means helping people age in place. In-home care is a key element in helping loved ones maintain independence,” Sanjay Khurana, Vice President AARP Services Caregiving. In-home care providers are essential given that the supply of family caregivers is not keeping pace with current demand. Families are having fewer children, and living farther away: as the population ages, the need for paid caregivers will continue to dramatically increase. For more information, visit https://www.carelinx.com/aarpbenefits.

October 1, 2018
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